When you get auto insurance quotes there are many different car insurance coverage options you must consider. These will vary depending on your state of residence, age, car and financial situation. Some of the options are outlined below. Car Insurance Coverage Options: Coverage Personal Injury Protection (PIP): PIP is required by some states. This covers your personal injuries should you be involved in an accident. PIP would take the place of health insurance if it were used. PIP can also cover the medical or funereal expenses of others in your car. Property Damage Liability: If you damage someone else's property during a car accident, property damage liability will cover the expenses relating to that damage. Whether it is a car, a mailbox or even a front porch that is damaged, your property damage liability can cover it. Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Not everyone driving on the road will have car insurance-even if it is required by law. And some who have car insurance do not have enough to actually pay the full extent of the claims they create through careless driving. In order to compensate for these shortages, drivers can buy uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. Car Insurance Coverage Options: Limits and Deductibles When you get car insurance quotes, the coverage options you choose will affect the actual quotes you receive, but the limits and deductibles will also affect your car insurance quotes. Limits: Your limits for each individual type of coverage you choose outline the maximum amount of insurance coverage your claims can get. The lower the limits you choose for your policy, the less expensive your car insurance quotes will be. But, that means that any amount of a claim exceeding that limit will need to be paid out of your own pocket. Deductibles: Deductibles are those out-of-pocket expenses you should be paying before your insurance company steps in to pay the larger portion of the claim. High deductibles can equal lower premiums but also more out-of-pocket expense. Low deductibles will equal higher premiums and fewer out-of-pocket expenses.
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