Wednesday, June 30, 2010

California Auto Insurance For You - First thing you should know, California has been hit hard by the recession. Gone are the days when people were proud to live in the "Golden State". The problem is seen most obviously in the repeated failures of the state to deal with its massive deficit. Now translate this into the millions of people living in the state who cannot find work paying enough money to live on. Their poverty means it is impossible to pay for insurance and eat. Not surprisingly, millions of drivers are on the roads without insurance. In 2008, the Department of Insurance estimated about 18% of Californian drivers were uninsured. Since then, the unemployment rate has doubled.

Why is this a problem? Well, although many drivers buy uninsured or underinsured cover, you have to be able to identify the other driver in the accident. If you cannot, say because it's a hit-and-run, you cannot show the other driver was uninsured and so cannot claim on the policy. Since most uninsured drivers prefer not to wait around to admit their criminal offense (that costs them a fine and may result in their vehicle being impounded), all that can, drive away from the scene of the accident as quickly as possible. That is bad luck for you and great news for the insurers who take your premium and rarely have to pay out.

The Department of Insurance believed there were a hard core of the poor who felt guilty about driving without California auto insurance so, in 2007, it persuaded the private insurance industry to offer a low-cost liability program for about $400 per year. This is not subsidised by the taxpayers. To qualify, you have to go through a means test, i.e. you must:

  • be at least 19 years old;

  • have held a valid driving licence for at least three years;

  • have no recent claims involving injury or death;

  • own a vehicle worth less than $20,000; and

  • earn less than $55,125 for a family of four or $27,075 as a single person.

You know that the premium buys you auto insurance for personal injuries up to $10,000, with $20,000 total injury claims from any one accident, and $3,000 for property damage. This is really basic coverage, but it's a lot cheaper than the fine for not carrying insurance and avoids your vehicle being impounded. So look at the conditions. If you qualify, look at the renewal notice from your current insurer and check out what the online insurers are offering. Now decide whether you are prepared to accept this cheap car insurance to stay legal on the road. There is a clear explanation of the program on the Department of Insurance's website at California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program. This may be the time when some car insurance is better than no car insurance.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

how to get the right home insurance policy

Today, we'll give you tips about how to get the right home insurance policy. Insurance coverage for the house is quite often one of the most important investments that you will undertake after actually buying your home. Most insurance policies will cover the home itself, your belongings contained in it and liability due to accidents on your property. And when you start looking for the right policy it may be a bit difficult at first, taking into account the large diversity in policies and the large number of providers that offer their products. There are different types of coverage each policy carries to a different extent, and in each case the amounts of it have to be adequate in order to meet your exact needs. Yes, it's a bit overwhelming at first, that's why you would want to spend some time learning the basics before doing any comparison shopping.

Types of coverage

You should know that each policy carries three types of insurance coverage that when combined provide a wide spectrum of coverage against many types of insurance situations your home may be subjected to. These thee coverage types include property damage, liability coverage, and home business.

  • Home business - this type of coverage will be particularly useful if you run a small business at your home. However not all home insurance policies have the business part with their coverage, so make sure to learn about that first, if you are really interested in this type of coverage.

  • Property damage - this type of coverage deals with any type of damage to your home and your belongings contained within the house due to circumstances like fire, storm, hail, flood, lightning, theft, vandalism, terrorist attack, etc. Make sue to analyze your policy thoroughly in order to learn all situations and all the items which will be covered or not.

  • Liability coverage - this type of coverage will pay for the medical costs and trauma a third party has sustained while being on your property. You and your family members are not included. This coverage is applied to guests, workers, neighbors, visitors, etc.

Some helpful tips to take note of

When you start looking for home insurance the following tips will definitely be of a help to you in case you want to find a good and cheap policy:

  • Always make sure that your credit rating is good before purchasing a new policy (applies to all types of insurance).

  • Shop around to get the best home insurance quotes. You can use numerous online sites, ask your agent or contact the companies directly. The more options you have the better. Don't forget to ask your friends about any particular company they have already purchased insurance from and check the financial credibility of each provider you are interested in.

  • Purchase home coverage from the same provider you get your auto insurance from. That way you can receive a substantial discount with most insurance providers.

  • Pull up your deductible. As with all types of insurance, the higher is your deductible the lower premiums you'll have to pay. But make sure that you have the required amount of money to pay out of pocket if something happens to your home.

  • Make everything possible to improve the security of your home. The best way to do this is to install video systems, security features such as fire and smoke detectors, alarm, security locks, and other features you can use to protect your house against different perils. Document all the changes and inform your insurance provider about them. You will likely receive a good discount for that.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Health insurance quotes and political change

B04 - You must know that there are probably less than 50 million Americans without health cover right now. By the end of this year, it will be more than 50 million. It is a sad reflection on the US. This country prides itself on being the best in whatever it does. Yet, when it comes to healthcare, it is one of the worst performing countries in the world. Look at any international comparison and you will see a lower life expectancy and more deaths caused by failures in the healthcare services than almost every other developed nation. Yet the February Healthcare Summit showed the political parties as far apart as ever. There's no sign of any bipartisan move to improve the situation for the ordinary people of this country. Instead, the GOP want reform stopped in its tracks. How this appeals to voters is hard to understand. Why should anyone vote for a party that wants to keep this present broken system?

Anyway, we now wait to see whether the Democratic Party has the strength of character to pass the reform bill using the budget reconciliation procedure. This allows a bill to become law on a simple majority. If the bill is signed into law, it will begin the slow process of reforming the current reality. But this is going to take more than one year to produce obvious results so, for those of you looking for affordable insurance now, you have to assume there will be no reform bill riding to your rescue like some Marvel hero. This is frustrating but there's no sense in having false expectations. You have to deal with the world as it is and make the best of it.

Here we have a search engine that contacts all the heath plan providers in your state. As an aside, one ironic point of agreement between the two political parties is that you should be allowed to buy a plan across state lines. Unless and until that becomes the law, you are restricted to buying a plan from an insurer licensed in your own state. This restricts competition and makes it more difficult to find an affordable plan. Because the use of this site is completely free, you can get multiple sets of health insurance quotes, and compare and contrast the plans and their premium rates. Now, more than ever, it's important to shop around and collect the most information you can about what the market is offering. The more health insurance quotes you collect, the wider the choice and the better the chance of finding an affordable plan. While you search, consider the new power of influence claimed by the Tea Party. They want to tear down big government. It would be good to see some more support for the other side of the argument. With elections coming around later this year, you should get involved and make sure the right message on healthcare reform gets through to Washington. Do not let the negative voice go unanswered. If you want health insurance premiums to fall, make your voice heard and push for reform.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Car insurance quotes and Highway Safety

B04 - You should know that according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, if you collect one speeding ticket, there's a significant rise in the probability you will be involved in an accident in the next three years. This is not opinion. It's a statistical fact that the chances of an accident rise by 50%. If you have two speeding tickets, the chances of an accident double.

Every insurance companies set their premium rates according to these risk assessments, there's an automatic linkage between a traffic citation and your premium rate. Depending on who you are, the rate can rise just a little or triple. For example, a wife rushing to her husband's hospital bedside will be penalized less than a young man out street racing. The reality of the insurance market is that, according to the statistics, you get the premium rate you deserve. Since this is going to make the difference between potential discounts for being a safe driver with no claims and no tickets, and rate hikes worth several thousand dollars over the next three or four years for picking up a ticket, it can be worth fighting traffic tickets.

Obviously, it's better to drive safely and within the law. It's just as important to protect your reputation. Every few years, spend a few bucks at your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to ensure your driving record is accurate. If there's a mistake, have it corrected. This could save you big dollars on the premium rates overnight. Now, let's face the worst. You get pulled over. Remember never to admit guilt to the officer. Just be polite. Upsetting the officer could result in the addition of "ND" to the citation. That's a note to the prosecutor not to do a deal, but to push for the maximum penalty. OK, so now you are in the system. What should you do? Don't ignore the ticket. In many states, the police issue an arrest warrant. The first step is talking to your local DMV. Many states have programs in place to help drivers. For example, some will defer judgment and, if there are no violations in the next six months, the ticket is dismissed. Other states have driver safety courses. For minor offenses, attending a course on driving wipes the conviction from your record. You still have to pay the fine and the tuition fees, but this is less than the premium rate increases.

So, you must know that if you cannot prevent this from coming to court, go to court. Often challenging a ticket persuades the court to reduce the ticket to a moving violation which is not penalized by the insurers. If you show but the officer does not, this can persuade some courts to dismiss the ticket - check your local state's rules. In the end, politely raising any kind of reasonable objection to the ticket is usually rewarded by the court - getting angry in a courtroom is not recommended. Of course, all this takes time and effort. Should this be too expensive, remember you can be saving several thousand dollars on premium instalments, so paying an attorney up to one thousand can be good value. All of this should encourage you to drive safely. It's better not to get caught. Your car insurance quotes will come in lower and lower the longer you keep your record clean. If defensive driving fails to keep you safe, fight to avoid the conviction. It's going to show up in the car insurance quotes over the years to come unless you get the ticket dismissed or reduced to a moving violation.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How to get multiple car insurance quotes

B04 - You should know that the insurance company looks at who you are, when you drive and where you drive in deciding how much of a risk you represent. If you live 50 miles from your work and have a daily commute along a busy Interstate, the chances of an accident are high. But if you live on a bus route to work and only use your vehicle for odd journeys at off-peak times, the chances of an accident are small. When you answer the questionnaire, you will see questions covering these possibilities. Remember, if you get caught out in dishonest answers, the insurer will cancel your policy and leave you without any coverage.

The first question is where you live. Although some states like California have outlawed setting rates according to your zip code, the majority of companies focus on your home address. If there's a high accident or theft rate among people living in your area, you will all pay a higher premium. The only choice, if you can afford it, is to live some place where the crime and accidents rates are lower. You look for the middle ground between the worst inner city crime hot spot and a house on the prairie where you never see another vehicle from one day's end to the next. All the discounts favor drivers who only drive off-peak during the day, and restrict their annual mileage. No more late night and early morning driving when the majority of other drivers may be tired or affected by alcohol and/or drugs. This raises the question of monitoring.

It's easy to answer the questionnaire and claim the maximum discounts. But the trend among insurers is to ask people to drop their vehicle in for a regular inspection of the recorded mileage. The maximum discounts are given to the drivers who agree to devices being installed which collect all the data on driving and transmit it to the insurers. These devices have a GPS element that records where you drive, the time and, in some cases, some measurement of the quality of your driving, e.g. how often you brake. The reward for accepting this invasion of your privacy can be discounts of up to 25% on top of the usual discounts. Obviously, it's not a good idea to use your own vehicle to rob a bank since the insurance company will know you were there.

This set of discounts is somewhat frustrating. In the larger cities with well-developed public transport, it's usually not too much trouble to get where you want on time without using your own vehicle. Assuming your vehicle is safely in a garage to reduce the risk of theft, you should break even or better, i.e. what you save on the insurance pays for your use of buses and trains. But the most of the US has poor public transport, so there's little choice. Remember the car insurance quotes are not the final word. Call the company, explain your circumstances and discuss how you might qualify for discounts. In discussion, you often discover options not included in the website. So, treat the car insurance quotes as the opening offer and start negotiating. Investing a little time often saves you money.